Chloe 1-866-949-4106
Hi, I'm Chloe, welcome to my web page! I trust you like what you've seen thus far. I'm well aware that in your search to find a girl to help get you off today/tonight that you are faced with any number of very attractive women, all of whom are eager to promise you ecstasy if only you'll call them. I won't bore you with that, you already know I'm ready to jack you off. The question is then, why Chloe? There are many answers to that, but the one you want to know right now is that I have the sexiest voice of any phone girl you will have ever spoken to. Reread that last sentence. Have you ever heard another girl make this claim? I'm that confident that once you call me, you won't have the will power to resist wrapping your hand around your cock and forcing a load out quickly.I seduce guys, that's what I do.
Beneath my sometimes dominant exterior, I'm actually more of the sweet girlfriend type. My hope with each call is to bring you to a climax that leaves you gasping for air and daydreaming about speaking to me again the next day. Imagine after you cum that I'm lying next to you, wiping the beads of sweat off your forehead that were created while you were working so diligently to explode for me. This romantic atmosphere is what I want with you, though I always appreciate getting fucked the way a good girl needs now and then. I'm very willing to do most anything (particularly including role-play and age- play), it's only a matter of what you're willing to let me do to you.
Be forewarned before you call me: There is a strong likelihood of your wanting to call me again. Men grow addicted to me not because they can't resist calling me, but because they don't want to resist. My voice is that hot. I look forward to becoming your fuck princess!
Creamy Chloe
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