Koko’s Little Bitch
| Anything Goes Phone Sex, Domination Phone Sex, Hypnosis Phone Sex, Sissy Lessons Phone Sex, Sissy Phone Sex, Submissive Phone Sex | 0 Comments
You come to me because you have significant issues. You lack confidence with women because you have a tiny little penis. I have to put my glasses on to see it. You’re that tiny. It’s only a couple of inches. You need a lot of work.
I don’t wish to have to look at that tiny little thing anymore, so here’s a sexy little thong. Your little package is tucked quite nicely inside my thong panties. Turn around and show me your ass with your panties tightly going up between your cheeks.
Now you’re ready for your session. You’re going to be my submissive panty boy. You need to accept the fact that the only attention you’ll ever receive from a Goddess, like me, is that you can be a devoted little bitch. You’ll learn to find pleasure in serving me, and be obedient and loyal. You’re always craving more and more. You feel that you’ve been hypnotized.
As your reward, I’ll let you pleasure yourself. I’ll train you and guide you to cum in your panties, with lots of edging.