Cheer Girl Katie

                  As a cheer Girl, I go door to door selling our items to our fans. Could be my pom poms, special tee shirts, or some secret personal items. I’m willing to do anything for the team. Once I even sold my panties. We, of course, have a site online, but I think the personal touch is always better. 

They’re a few houses I love to go to because the men are so hot. I do know how to flirt! My favorite house to visit is Mr. H. He always has treats, always buys something and best of all, we fool around a little. Just a little.

We went through all the sizes, as Mr. H had a lot of gifts to hand out. He had me try on each and every one for him. After all that, and some yummy fruit punch.

I needed a nap.

I must have slept for a few hours, as the sun was already going down. I better head home.  I started to dress, and noticed I felt a little odd. You know kind of like when I go horseback ridin, and then I walk funny. That certainly is a mystery. 


KatieWritten By: Katie
Call Katie@ 1-866-437-0313


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