Tease and Denial Stripper

How about a private lap dance tonight?

You can look but you can’t touch any part of me or yourself for that matter. I can touch you anywhere and any way that I want  A session in the VIP room is almost a form of chastity or sexual torture. A private lap dance at the strip club is the ultimate experience of tease and orgasm denial.

 I tease the fuck out of you by dressing so provocatively and I whisper sexy, dirty words in your ear. As I grind my pussy into your lap, you can feel the heat between my legs; your mouth starts to salivate. You can almost taste me.

I have the hot sexy lap dance girl moves that will rock your world, make your cock so hard that you will feel like you are on the brink of insanity because of my dancing and teasing. Maybe if I am in a naughty mood, I will let you pull that cock for me and give you a hand job and let you cum for me, but maybe I’m the supreme cock tease. 

I get you to that point where you’re just about to explode in your pants with my private dance, but then I tease and deny. Complete denial of your orgasm. I bring you to the brink of orgasm, hop off your lap, lean down and whisper, “time is up.”  I giggle as I walk out of the room.

I look back over my shoulder and see you sitting there stunned and horny.


ChrissyWritten By: Chrissy
Call Chrissy @ 1-866-481-6275
Email- bangchrissy@aol.com



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