Trouble At Camp Laurel

       With just 3 little words I thought my whole fucking ummer was ruined! Girl’s Sleepaway Camp!  You just flirt with a few boys and then your parents lose their minds and send you away.

In all fairness, it was Mr. Donnelly and he was super hot. How come he didn’t get into any trouble? How come he isn’t sent away?

All my shorts, tops and jeans are packed in a trunk. Are they sending me away for good?

Camp looks pretty cool. The boys camp is on the other side of the lake. At orientation, we find out that their will be dances with the boys every Saturday. Boys are cool, but I like men.

First night there I make 2 new friends. It looks like they’re here for the same reason as me. Once everyone but us is asleep, we take a canoe and cross the lake to the boys side. This will not be a summer without boys!

We find 3 cute boys. We’re flirting and they dare us to kiss. I like kissing girls! We’re having so much fun , but then the older counselors find us. They send the boys away and the real sexy fun begins.


KatieWritten By: Katie
Call Katie@ 1-866-437-0313



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