Katie’s Journal


  When I was just little, my bestie and I kept a journal. We hid them up in our treehouse so no one would ever find out our secrets. If I ever thought I had secrets then, it was nothing compared to my bigger girl secrets.

                                      I put a few items in my backpack and climbed up to the treehouse. I found both journals just where we left them. I opened my cold drink and began to read through mine. 

Apparently, I used to be in love with Mr. Johns, and wanted to have his baby. My bestie also wanted his baby, weren’t we silly. We didn’t even know where babies came from.

            I take out my brand new journal from my backpack and begin writing.

Hello Journal, it’s me again all grown up. Friday in algebra, I gave Mr. Simms a blowie because I needed a better grade. Monday Mr. Clark caught me jerking off a boy and he made me give him one too. Tuesday, I saw Mr. H on the way home and he offered me a ride. I had to thank him for that ride so on Wednesday, Dear Journal, I plan on becoming a woman!


KatieWritten By: Katie
Call Katie@ 1-866-437-0313
Email- lilsexkittenkate@aol.com



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