Paying To Be In My Presence

You know you crave my body everyday, but you also know there is no way you’ll ever get it.  While other men have the opportunity to wine me, dine me and have their way with me, you’re stuck in the background, craving attention you’ll never be worthy to have.

I’m the hottest woman you’ll never fuck. But there’s one thing that might get you a precious few moments of my attention. That’s right piggy, pay the fuck up!

No no, you don’t get to pay for a kiss or a touch, and a blowjob.  Wow, for a tiny loser shrimp dick, you sure think you have balls. Absolutely nothing sexual for a pathetic loser like you. You can sit in the background and wait for me to get around to you.

I’ll take you shopping with me and you can pay and hold my bags. Maybe I’ll even let you watch me get my pedicure and massage, if you’re a good little walking wallet.

You know who I’m talking too. YOU. You’re that insignificant, worthless, completely useless excuse for a man that just happens to be in possession of a wallet. You know I deserve the very best of everything in life, and since you’re not it, you know you need to pay up simply for the generous gift of being in my presence.



PhoenixWritten By: Phoenix
Call Phoenix @ 1-866-949-5809




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